Guests only area
On these pages we provide information for guests’ eyes only. It is our gift to you to thank you for choosing to stay at 10pm. We have worked quite hard to compile it, so please don’t share it with too many people (close friends perhaps…).
We will aim to keep these pages as up to date as our visits to Burgundy allow, bringing you news of our latest discoveries.
Please note that access to this area is for current guests only and the password will change every so often to ensure that this remains the case.
The sections we have worked on for now are as set out below…

Directions to our house – be it by car or by tractor!

The basics, such as where the nearest supermarket can be found, where to get cheap(er) petrol, etc

A little bit about what’s on in the Cote d’Or and its environs, although we would urge you to visit the information centre in Meursault to get up to date information.

Of course, we need to say a few words about tastings… Although purely from our own perspective…

And then a special area for foodies. If you are on a diet, do not go here. Mind you, if you are on a diet, you shouldn’t be in France!

Then we have the details of a few shops which we find very interesting and which you might also like to explore.

Finally, we have a small pot pourri of things to see or visit